Neglected health

Gained a lot of pounds because I became lazy.
 The year is about to end and my gymn subscription has expired. Very good Mariza! At the first few months of my gymn subscription, I didn't have an excuse because I was drowning with work. But I didn't have anymore after that. If you knew me from before, you'd say I look like a druggie because I was stick thin and my face looked very exhausted. Yes, I will admit that when it comes to taking care of my health, I'm just such a loser. I am aware that I'm not getting any younger and being in my forties, I know that I should pursue a healthy lifestyle. August hasn't been a good one to me as I have been sick and that worried me. Of course I made plans to change my daily routine and spend at least an hour for exercise, I also stopped smoking for good. I don't drink so that shouldn't be a problem, but my nocturnal lifestyle in the BPO & call centers are the biggest factor why I am having these hassles. As a work from home, I live a sedentary lifestyle and I hardly sweat. Getting myself better is going to save me a lot of money and hassle going to the doctors. I hope that September and onwards, charm a favorable change for me.

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